

LICS Primary follows the Cambridge Primary Curriculum for Maths, English, Science, Music, PE, ICT & Art. Class Teachers deliver core subjects to their own class whereas learners go to expert Specialist Teachers in their classrooms for Art, PE, ICT, French and Music. 

Going Global is a key subject in Primary School with learners collaborating in teams on projects with a social impact, sharing their work with the community. A major focus for our KS2 learners is Entrepreneurship, equipping them with a confident, proactive and creative mindset and indispensable skills for their future.

We encourage parents and learners to be actively engaged in their educational journey and write termly reports for parents, sharing both achievement and effort. Our Learner Showcase Day has learners showing parents around their learning environment, experiencing activities together, giving parents a snapshot of how students work and play. 

We take learners on educational day and residential trips for Years 3-6 and host guest speakers, always with a focus on the environment and sustainability or supporting our local community.

Pastoral Care

Everything we do at LICS is underpinned by a culture of respect and community; this is reinforced within lessons, assemblies, house and school events. 


Teachers use a range of check-in strategies to monitor student wellbeing. Learners are clear about how to look after themselves and others at school and who to confide in if they are troubled or unwell. Teachers ensure that learners spend time both inside and outside of the classroom and exercise regularly during the school day. 

personal, physical, social and emotional development

Our rigorous PSHE programme reflects the diverse needs of our students, exploring personal, physical, social and economic development, focusing on positive and healthy relationships together with an understanding of navigating the commercial influences they are exposed to.

Learner Voice

Each class has an elected Student Councillor who uses their leadership skills to represent their peers with school leaders. All learners have the chance to express themselves via their Student Councillor. Student Councillors also learn to work as a leadership team across the school. 

Elected House Captains and Vice-Captains promote a team spirit within our four houses: Acacia, Ebony Mopane and Tamarind. They take a leading role in organising teams and rallying their house members to earn House Points for academic, arts, and sporting achievement and for community spirit.

Structure of the Day

The Primary School day is designed to maximise teaching and learning capacity, balanced with meaningful pastoral and cocurricular activity time.

Furthermore, the teaching day allows us to meet the needs of the Cambridge Curriculum, thus maximising potential of all our learners.

07:25Primary School Day Starts
07:25 – 09:00Lessons
09:00 – 09:30BREAK
09:30 – 11:30Lessons
11:30 – 12:00BREAK
12:00 – 13:30Lessons
13:30Primary School Academic Day ends
13:30 – 14:30Afternoon Activity 1
14:40 – 15:45Afternoon Activity 2
15:45End of Primary School Day (on Friday it ends at 12.00)

Una Barras-Hargan
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