Guiding and Mission Statements


We maximise the potential of future world citizens.


LICS shall provide an internationally recognised education to a culturally diverse, globally-minded student body in a caring and supportive learning environment.

LICS Principals

LICS, a co-educational, secular, fee-paying, non-profit school, owned and managed by the parental body through an elected Board of Directors in a Company limited by guarantee.

LICS upholds the following core principles: Culture; Education; Resources & Governance


  • LICS shall develop in its students the character, virtues, values, competencies, and the ability to develop connections as sentient and caring global citizens.
  • LICS shall actively promote and uphold the spirit of an international, multicultural community in Zambia in which individuals and groups develop a spirit for action, equality, and respect for each other.
  • LICS shall continually foster a caring, child-centred and family orientated atmosphere and environment.
  • LICS shall promote and embrace the principles and practices of active learning through service, in the broader community and responsible environmental awareness and care.
  • LICS shall actively engage with the wider community and encourage the participation of all its stakeholders.
  • LICS aims to engender in its community a broad understanding of global issues thus contributing to the world with justice, equality and peace.


  • LICS shall adopt the CAIE (University of Cambridge Assessment International Education) curriculum as its base, will constantly review and develop its curriculum so that it remains in line with international standards, and will prepare students for successful and engaging lives beyond school.
  • LICS shall provide a range of co-curricular activities.
  • LICS shall implement appropriate teaching, learning, and assessment methods that adhere to best teaching practices, cater to different learning abilities, skills, and interests, and which include performance and conduct accountability for teachers, students and parents.
  • LICS shall employ a blended learning methodology, embracing appropriate technologies for teaching and learning while upholding the values of penmanship and personal expression.


  • LICS shall employ a diverse faculty of well qualified, competent and highly motivated local and international staff.
  • LICS shall develop and maintain a campus which provides the facilities and resources necessary to the fulfilment of the school’s educational goals.


  • LICS shall put in place governing structures which ensure prudent finance and responsible business practice.
  • LICS shall strive to uphold excellence in all areas of operation through international
  • accreditation processes, self reflection and continuous improvement.