

At Lusaka International Community School (LICS), the Pre-Primary School (PPS) encompasses Early Years and the Reception classes and caters for learners between the ages of one to five years. The PPS has a dedicated staff committed to providing an optimal learning environment that ensures each learner masters the skills, attitudes and dispositions that they will need, not only for future schooling, but for the world. It has a wide range of equipment and materials and both outdoor learning spaces are set in well–secured areas where learners can explore and learn in safety.

In order to provide an optimal learning environment, we base our curriculum on the English Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) 0-5 Statutory Framework designed for the learning, development, and care of learners from birth to five years. The Foundation Stage ends in the Reception Year and the EYFS document contains a curriculum framework that leads to the Early Learning Goals. The EYFS gives guidance in seven learning areas (three prime and four specific) for effective planning, assessment, and teaching and prepares learners for learning in Key Stage 1 (years 1 and 2). To further enrich our curriculum, we also incorporate elements from other internationally recognised educational programmes

The EYFS framework enables teachers to plan developmentally appropriate, play-based activities for learners that will assist them in the acquisition of the skills needed to prepare them for the next phase of their educational journey and for life.  Play-based teaching and learning is a key aspect of quality educational provision in the early years as learners are challenged and learn with enjoyment. We also acknowledge that parents are the most significant adults in a child’s life and in order to enhance educational calibre, they are partners in planning the development and growth of their child in a school setting.

Hear from some of our LICS parents as they share their reasons for choosing LICS Pre-Primary. At LICS we enrol throughout our academic year, and we love welcoming new families to the LICS community.

The Infant/Toddler Programme

The Infant/Toddler programme is based on the universal patterns of development that all children go through, i.e. children crawl before they walk. We acknowledge that each child is unique and passes through the developmental stages at different rates. The programme takes into account the ways young children approach new experiences and how they interact with others. The goals of the Infant/Toddler programme are based on the knowledge of the physical, emotional, social and cognitive abilities of learners in this age group.

ICT & Teaching With Technology

We live in a digital age in which computers are an essential part of our lives. Learners in the Pre-Primary School are introduced to ICT through creative play activities and coding. A wide variety of electronic toys are used to enhance and stimulate the learning process.

One of the important concepts in teaching ICT skills in the Pre-Primary School is coding. Coding is the writing of a set of instructions for the computer to perform a task. It empowers learners, puts them in control of the computer, and through experimentation, builds mastery in sequencing skills, counting, problem-solving, logical/critical thinking, and self-expression. Coding gives learners an opportunity to become creators rather than just technology consumers.

In line with the latest research, developmentally appropriate practice is used to teach coding in the Pre-Primary School. For the infant and toddler programme we start with unplugged coding and STEAM activities. This is followed by the coding of programmable toys i.e., using robots such as Cubetto, Botley, and Blue Bots in the 3yr – 5-year-old classes. Coding with Scratch Jr is introduced in the Reception Classes.

Pastoral Care

Pastoral care in the Pre-Primary School encompasses the general welfare and safety of learners. We aim to provide a caring, supportive and safe environment, where each learner is valued for their unique talents and abilities and develop their full potential. The PPS staff are not only concerned with academic progress but also with the personal, social and emotional development of learners, a prime learning area in our curriculum. We aim to establish close home school links and ensure we are aligned with international Child Protection and Safeguarding practices through online courses.


Emphasis is placed on positive reinforcement and praise for good behaviour. Learners are encouraged to be independent, kind and thoughtful towards others and take responsibility for their own behaviour. Inappropriate behaviour is addressed by way of discussion and self-reflection by the learner. Our behaviour management policy also guides us in how to deal with inappropriate behaviour. Parents are informed of serious or recurring incidents and collaborate with teachers to put in place appropriate strategies to assist learners with their difficulties.

How it works

Learners in the PPS are grouped according to age and in compliance with Developmentally Appropriate Practice (DAP). Each of the classes has a set curriculum with aims and objectives designed to cater for the particular age group. Classes may be split into a further two groups in accordance with the number of learners, ensuring that groups are smaller and conform to international adult child ratios. Assessment at each level determines whether a learner is able to progress to the next stage. At all stages communication between parents and teachers plays a major role as all decisions made must be in the best interest of the learner.

Structure of the Day

PPS Classes
07:30Start of the day / Registration and Orientation / Morning Exercise
08:00Session 1 Literacy
08:30Session 2 Literacy
09:30Session 3 Mathematics
10:00Session 4 Mathematics
11:30Session 5 Music / Sand and Water Play / Art / ICT / P.E. / French / STEAM
12:00Session 6 Story and Drama / Topic / Manipulative / Imaginative / ORT / PSE
12:30Session 7 Discovery / Perceptual / Construction / Music and Drama / Library
13:00Session 8 Free Play / Story Time

Gloria Raven
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